Annual Fundamentals
Annual Fundamentals
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This report provides fundamentals metrics about all the listed stocks in the NYSE & NASDAQ stock exchanges.
Data is extracted from the annual 10-K reports, mainly from the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow statement that submitted to the SEC.
Each row represents information about a specific stock for a given year (fiscal).
Last update: 2024-09-28 (UTC)
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The stock symbol (identifier) listed in the exchange.
e.g. AAPL
The full name of the company.
e.g. Apple Inc.
The fiscal year of the data displayed in this row.
e.g. 2020
The starting period of the fiscal year.
e.g. 29/09/2019
The ending period of the fiscal year.
e.g. 26/09/2020
Indicates the currency of the data displayed in this row.
e.g. USD
The Revenues (also called "Total Sales") generated during the fiscal year period.
* Revenues does not contain non-operating income such as Interest Income.
Extracted from the "income statement" ("is.")
e.g. 274,515,000,000
Revenues - Cost of Revenue (also called "Cost of Sales") = Gross Profit
The profit generated after deducting directly related costs with producing and selling the product or service.
Extracted from the "income statement" ("is.")
e.g. 104,956,000,000
Revenues - Cost of Revenue - Operating Expenses - Depreciation & Amortization = Operating Profit (also called "Operating Income")
This profit generated after deducting costs related to the product or service and operating expenses such as rent.
Extracted from the "income statement" ("is.")
e.g. 66,288,000,000
Total Revenues - Total Expenses = Net Profit (also called "Net Income" or "Earnings")
This profit generated after deducting all expenses.
Extracted from the "income statement" ("is.")
e.g. 57,411,000,000
The earnings per each outstanding share (minus preferred dividends) during the reporting period.
Extracted from the "income statement" ("is.")
e.g. 3.31
The earnings per each outstanding share (minus preferred dividends) * if all dilutive securities (like options) had been realized.
Extracted from the "income statement" ("is.")
e.g. 3.28
Measures the gross profitability of the company.
Gross Profit / Revenues = Gross Profit Margin.
Calculated based on the "income statement" ("is.")
e.g. 0.38
Measures the operating profitability of the company.
Operating Profit / Revenues = Operating Profit Margin.
Calculated based on the "income statement" ("is.")
e.g. 0.24
Measures the net profitability of the company.
Net Profit / Revenues = Net Profit Margin.
Calculated based on the "income statement" ("is.")
e.g. 0.21
Comprehensive Income measures realized and UNREALIZED income, it provides a more holistic approach for viewing the Net Income of the company, since, it is not always fully described on the income statement.
Hence, Comprehensive Income is calculated by adding the Net Income (realized income) from the income statement to Other Comprehensive Income (unrealized income).
Other comprehensive income may include income/ loss from an investment that has not been sold yet, foreign currency transactions and more.
Net Income + Other Comprehensive Income = Comprehensive Income
Extracted from the "comprehensive income statement" ("cis.")
e.g. 57,453,000,000
All the liabilities of the company (short & long term).
* This amount reflects the liabilities at the end of the fiscal year.
Extracted from the "Balance Sheet" ("bs.")
e.g. 258,549,000,000
All the assists of the company (short & long term).
* This amount reflects the assets at the end of the fiscal year.
Extracted from the "Balance Sheet" ("bs.")
e.g. 323,888,000,000
Equity, also called book value, represents the difference between company's assets and liabilities.
* This amount reflects the equity at the end of the fiscal year.
Extracted from the "Balance Sheet" ("bs.")
e.g. 65,339,000,000
The short term liabilities of the company.
* This amount reflects the current liabilities at the end of the fiscal year.
Extracted from the "Balance Sheet" ("bs.")
e.g. 105,392,000,000
The short term assets of the company.
* This amount reflects the current assets at the end of the fiscal year.
Extracted from the "Balance Sheet" ("bs.")
e.g. 143,713,000,000
Working Capital represents the difference between company's current assets and current liabilities.
It is an indicator of the liquidity of the company and its short term financial health.
* This amount reflects the working capital at the end of the fiscal year.
Calculated based on the "Balance Sheet" ("bs.")
e.g. 38,321,000,000
This ratio measures the degree of company's financial leverage.
Liabilities / Equity = Debt to Equity Ratio
Calculated based on the "Balance Sheet" ("bs.")
e.g. 3.95
Equity to Assets Ratio, also called Shareholder Equity Ratio is another measure of the company's degree of debt.
Equity / Assets = Equity to Assets Ratio
Calculated based on the "Balance Sheet" ("bs.")
e.g. 0.20
Indicates the amount of cash inflow to the company from its product and/ or service during the fiscal year.
Calculated based on the "Cash Flow Statement" ("cfs.")
e.g. 80,674,000,000
Indicates the amount of cash inflow/ outflow to or from the company from investing activities.
Calculated based on the "Cash Flow Statement" ("cfs.")
e.g. -428,900,000
Indicates the amount of cash inflow/ outflow to or from the company from financing activities (such as dividends, issuing bonds or stocks) during the fiscal year.
Calculated based on the "Cash Flow Statement" ("cfs.")
e.g. -86,820,000,000
Represents the change in company's cash & cash equivalents during the fiscal year.
It calculates the difference between the total cash transferred in (inflow) and the total amount of cash transferred out (outflow).
Calculated based on the "Cash Flow Statement" ("cfs.")
e.g. -10,435,000,000