VIPs Scanner
Most Mentioned VIPs
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Positive, Negative News
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Top 10
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This chart displays the most mentioned VIPs (and their sentiment distribution) in the media and being updated constantly
Last update: 2024-10-05 (UTC)

Specific VIP Mentions
News Sites
Select Media Source
Positive, Negative News
Select News Type
This chart displays mentions and sentiment over time of a specific VIP in the media and being updated constantly.
It also shows the change in the volume of mentions from its prior date (when hovering on a date)
Last update: 2024-10-05 (UTC)

VIP Word Cloud
News Sites
Select Media Source
All News Types
Select News Type
This chart displays realted words to the VIP from the media and being updated constantly.
As much as the font size of a word is larger, the more occurrences it has in the media
Last update: 2024-10-05 (UTC)

VIP Related Companies
News Sites
Select Media Source
All News Types
Select News Type
This chart displays realted companies (their symbol) to the VIP from the media and being updated constantly.
As much as the font size of a company is larger, the more occurrences it has in the media
Last update: 2024-10-05 (UTC)