Most Mentioned Industries
This chart displays the most mentioned industries (and their sentiment distribution) in the media and being updated constantly
Last update: 2025-02-23 (UTC)
Specific Industry Mentions
This chart displays mentions and sentiment over time of a single industry in the media and being updated constantly.
It also shows the change in the volume of mentions from its prior date (when hovering on a date)
It also shows the change in the volume of mentions from its prior date (when hovering on a date)
Last update: 2025-02-23 (UTC)
Industry Word Cloud
This chart displays realted words to the industry from the media and being updated constantly.
As much as the font size of a word is larger, the more occurrences it has in the media
As much as the font size of a word is larger, the more occurrences it has in the media
Last update: 2025-02-23 (UTC)
Industry Related VIPs
This chart displays realted VIPs to the industry from the media and being updated constantly.
As much as the font size of a VIP is larger, the more occurrences he has in the media
As much as the font size of a VIP is larger, the more occurrences he has in the media
Last update: 2025-02-23 (UTC)
* The industries in this scanner page follow the GICS industries, but, some missing industries (according to our prespective) were add.