Key Metrics Reports
Key Metrics (Valuation)
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This report provides key metrics about the valuation of the company, for all US listed companies (NYSE & NASDAQ stock exchanges).
It contains a table where each row represents information about a specific stock.
Last update: 2024-10-05 (UTC)
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The stock symbol (identifier) listed in the exchange
e.g. AAPL
The full name of the company
e.g. Apple Inc.
The total number of shares issued and actively held by stockholders * If other share classes exist, they would have been converted to this share class
e.g. 16,319,441,000 (shares)
The most recent stock price updated in our system
Check "latest update" for understanding the last time data was updated for any particular stock
e.g. 173.80 ($)
Market capitalization is the total market value of the company's outstanding shares.
Outstanding Shares * Recent Stock Price = Market Capitalization
* Check key metrics (price) report in order to find the last price updated in our system, which according to it, the market cap is being calculated
e.g. 2,697,440,288,653.91 ($)
The Price to Earnings Ratio or in short the P/E Ratio measures the ratio between the company's Market Capitalization and the Net Profit (Earnings) Generated in the most recent (full) fiscal year
Market Cap / Net Profit in Most Recent Fiscal Year = P/E Ratio
e.g. 28.49
The Price to Sales (revenues) measures the ratio between the company's Market Capitalization and the Sales (Revenues) Generated in the most recent (full) fiscal year
Market Cap / Revenues in Most Recent Fiscal Year = Price to Sales Ratio
e.g. 7.37
The Price to Book Ratio or in short the P/B Ratio measures the ratio between the company's Market Capitalization and its Book Value (also called "Equity") as appeared in its (annual) Balance Sheet Report
Market Cap / Equity = Price to Book Ratio
e.g. 42.75
The highest stock price which has been observed in the last 365 days
e.g. 182.94 ($)
The lowest stock price which has been observed in the last 365 days
e.g. 122.25 ($)
The change in (percentages) in the stock price in the last 365 days
(Recent Stock Price / Stock Price 365 Days Ago - 1) * 100 = Change 365d
e.g. 41.30 (%)
The change in (percentages) in the stock price in the last 5 years
(Recent Stock Price / Stock Price 5 Years Ago - 1) * 100 = Change 365d
e.g. 383.92 (%)
The highest stock price which has been observed since it started to trade
e.g. 182.94 ($)
The change in (percentages) from the stock's all-time high to its current price
(Recent Stock Price / Stock's All-Time High - 1) * 100 = Change From Highest
e.g. -4.99 (%)
The number of days elapsed since the stock reached its all-time high price
e.g. 87 (days)
The lowest stock price which has been observed since it started to trade
e.g. 0.049 ($)
The change in (percentages) from the stock's all-time low to its current price
(Recent Stock Price / Stock's All-Time Low - 1) * 100 = Change From Lowest
e.g. 353,821 (%)
The number of days elapsed since the stock reached its all-time low price
e.g. 14,512 (days)
The most recent stock's trading volume updated in our system
Indicates how many shares have been traded in a given day
Check "latest update" for understanding the last time data was updated for any particular stock
e.g. 26,143,229 (shares)
The average trading volume for a particular stock in the last 30 days
e.g. 92,303,879.52 (shares)
The average trading volume for a particular stock in the last 365 days
e.g. 86,706,534.23 (shares)
Measures the difference (in percentages) between the most recent volume and the last 365 avg. volume
e.g. -69.84 (%)
Indicates the last time that data were updated per a particular stock in our system
Also, we use this date as an anchor when calculating moving averages, comparing changes in the last x days or any time related calculations. In these cases we will rely on the "latest_update" date and not on the current date of today
e.g. 01/04/2022

Key Metrics (Fundamentals)
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This report provides key metrics about the fundamentals of all US listed stocks (NYSE & NASDAQ stock exchanges).
It contains a table where each row represents information about a specific stock.
Last update: 2024-10-05 (UTC)
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The stock symbol (identifier) listed in the exchange
e.g. AAPL
The full name of the company
e.g. Apple Inc.
The Revenues (also called "Total Sales") generated during the latest fiscal year period
* Revenues does not contain non-operating income such as Interest Income
e.g. 365,817,000,000 ($)
This profit generated after deducting all expenses
Total Revenues - Total Expenses = Net Profit (also called "Net Income" or "Earnings")
e.g. 94,680,000,000 ($)
Measures the net profitability of the company
Net Profit / Revenues = Net Profit Margin
e.g. 0.258
The change in (percentages) of the revenues that a company generated in the most recent (full) fiscal year to what it was generating in the fiscal year prior to it
(Revenues in Most Recent Fiscal Year / Revenues in Prior Fiscal Year - 1) * 100 = Revenue Growth 1-Year
e.g. 33.25 (%)
The change in (percentages) of the revenues that a company generated in the most recent (full) fiscal year to what it was generating 5 fiscal years prior to it
(Revenues in Most Recent Fiscal Year / Revenues 5 Fiscal Years Ago - 1) * 100 = Revenue Growth 5 Years
e.g. 59.58 (%)
The change in (percentages) of the operating profit that a company generated in the most recent (full) fiscal year to what it was generating in the fiscal year prior to it
(Operating Profit in Most Recent Fiscal Year / Operating Profit in Prior Fiscal Year - 1) * 100 = Operating Profit Growth 1-Year
e.g. 64.35 (%)
The change in (percentages) of the operating profit that a company generated in the most recent (full) fiscal year to what it was generating 5 fiscal years prior to it
(Operating Profit in Most Recent Fiscal Year / Operating Profit 5 Fiscal Years Ago - 1) * 100 = Operating Profit Growth 5 Years
e.g. 77.60 (%)
The change in (percentages) of the net profit that a company generated in the most recent (full) fiscal year to what it was generating in the fiscal year prior to it
(Net Profit in Most Recent Fiscal Year / Net Profit in Prior Fiscal Year - 1) * 100 = Net Profit Growth 1-Year
e.g. 64.91 (%)
The change in (percentages) of the net profit that a company generated in the most recent (full) fiscal year to what it was generating 5 fiscal years prior to it
(Net Profit in Most Recent Fiscal Year / Net Profit 5 Fiscal Years Ago - 1) * 100 = Net Profit Growth 5 Years
e.g. 95.81 (%)
This metric measures the avg. revenue each employee generates for the firm
Revenues / Number of Employees = Revenue per Employee
e.g. 2,375,435 ($)
Net Profit per Employee measures the avg. Net Profit each employee generates for the firm
Net Profit / Number of Employees = Net Profit per Employee
e.g. 614,805.19 ($)
Debt to Equity Ratio, also called D/E Ratio, measures the degree of company's financial leverage
A higher value means more leverage
Liabilities / Equity = Debt to Equity Ratio
e.g. 4.56
D/E Ratio Growth in the last 1-year measures the change in percentages from the D/E ratio found in the most recent fiscal year to its prior D/E ratio in the fiscal year before
(D_E Ratio in Most Recent Fiscal Year / D_E Ratio Prior Fiscal Year - 1) * 100 = D/E Ratio Growth (1-year)
e.g. 15.32 (%)
D/E Ratio Growth in the last 5 years measures the change in percentages from the D/E ratio found in the most recent fiscal year to the D/E ratio was 5 fiscal years ago
(D_E Ratio in Most Recent Fiscal Year / D_E Ratio 5 Fiscal Years Ago - 1) * 100 = D/E Ratio Growth (5 years)
e.g. 153.54 (%)
Indicates the year of the most recent annual reports data we have per a particular stock in our system
Also, we use this year as an anchor when calculating moving averages, comparing changes in the last x years or any time related calculations. In these cases we will rely on the "latest_fiscal_year" and not on the current year
e.g. 2021